Norse Gods


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Aesir (Æsir) or Aces are a group or in some sense a family of gods in Norse mythology. The Aesir group of gods is rich with gods and goddesses, among which the Aesir stand out as one of the two prominent families, the other is Vanir group. The Aesir gods are associated with wisdom, war, power, and governance, playing an essential role in the beliefs of ancient Norse cultures.

Aesir Gods Residence

The Aesir reside in Asgard, one of the nine worlds in Norse cosmology, and are involved in various myths that explore themes of creation, conflict, and the fate of the world. Aesir is also known for relatively close interactions with humans and other mythical beings.

The residence of Aesir gods in Asgard.

Known Aesir gods

While there are many popular Norse gods not limited to Aesir, if to speak in particular about this family the names of Odin, Thor, Tyr, Frigg, Heimdall, Sif, Baldur, and Idun. Several other gods such as Loki and Freyja sometimes also associated with the Aesir family of gods, though their origin comes from other families, however at one point they became part of Aesirs gods family.

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