
How are rune formulas different from bind runes?


Basically, that’s my question. Can someone help me to understand the difference?


Norse Runes

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  • Hi Arne,

    Rune formula is normally represented by a sequence of runes in a particular order, let’s go with small example. Let’s say you are looking for support from runes to buy an estate. One of the formulas that might help could be: ᚠᛃᛟ

    Fehu – means finances, money etc

    Jera – mean increase and scaling

    Odal – means estate

    While I would not claim this is the best formula, but conceptually hope it gives you an idea. So we have a particular order of runes with some background behind this idea and that’s what we call rune formula.

    Bind runes are a more complex concept. When we are talking about bind runes, normally we consider a single complex symbol that embeds multiple runes in one glyph with idea behind it.

    Hope it make sense.


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