Elder Futhark

(ᛟ) Odal

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(ᛟ) Odal rune (also known as Othala or Ottala) is the (24th) twenty-fourth rune of the Elder Futhark, an ancient runic alphabet from Northern Europe. This rune is associated with heritage, ancestry, and property, and it embodies themes related to home, family, and cultural identity.

Odal rune meaning

In terms of its meanings and interpretations, Odal can represent the following:

  • Ancestry and Heritage: Odal rune represents the concept of inherited property and familial ties. It symbolizes the past, your roots, and the legacy left by ancestors. In other words, it signifies the lineage you come from, the traditions and values passed down through generations. It represents your connection to your ancestors and the legacy they have left behind.
  • Home and Belonging: Odal is often associated with a sense of home and belonging. It emphasizes the importance of your personal space, land, and the connections that develop within familial or communal settings. It also represents the sense of security and comfort that comes from knowing your place in the world.
  • Possessions and Wealth: The rune signifies material wealth and possessions, often indicating the importance of land, resources, and stability within the material realm.
  • Values and Tradition: This rune represents the core values and traditions that define your family and community. It encourages you to honor your heritage and to pass those values on to future generations.
  • Cultural Identity: Odal connects to the idea of cultural identity and traditions, encompassing the values passed down through generations and the community’s shared heritage.
  • Spiritual Growth and Stability: While grounded in material and family aspects, the Odal rune also encourages spiritual growth and stability. It serves as a reminder of the foundational values that shape one’s identity.

Odal rune associations

Ancestors, Family, Protection, Traditions, Roots.

Odal in divination

Odal rune is a powerful symbol of heritage, home, and cultural identity in divination. It encourages individuals to reflect on their past, honor their roots, and embrace the stability and support that come from family and community.

Odal in casting spells

By incorporating the Odal rune into your spells, you can effectively channel its energies to promote family connections, honor your ancestry, and find stability and belonging in your life.

Odal rune symbol

Odal rune is symbolically represented and is reminiscent of a house or a boundary that reflects concepts of heritage, ancestral property, and belonging. Odal rune is symbolically represented and is reminiscent of a house or a boundary that reflects concepts of heritage, ancestral property, and belonging. The shape of the rune resembles a diamond standing on the legs “ᛟ”.


  • Zodiac: Capricorn, Virgo
  • Planet: Jupiter, Mercury
  • Element: Earth
  • Tarot Rider Waite: The Emperor (IV), The Ten of Pentacles

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(ᛟ) Odal

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