Elder Futhark

(ᛝ) Inguz

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(ᛝ) Inguz rune is the (22nd) twenty-second rune of the Elder Futhark, an ancient runic alphabet from Northern Europe. This rune is associated with fertility, new beginnings, and the potential for growth and transformation.

Inguz rune meaning

In terms of its meanings and interpretations, Inguz can represent the following:

  • Completion and Fulfillment: Inguz signifies the end of a cycle, the completion of a project, or the attainment of a goal. It represents a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction.
  • Abundance and Harvest: This rune symbolizes the bounty of the harvest, representing the abundance of blessings, resources, and rewards that come from your efforts.
  • Fertility and Growth: Inguz is often linked to fertility, abundance, and the generative powers of nature. It represents the potential for new life, whether in a literal sense (such as childbirth) or metaphorically (such as creative projects or personal development).
  • New Beginnings: This rune signifies the end of one phase and the beginning of another, encouraging you to embrace new opportunities and changes in your life. It often indicates that the efforts you’ve put in are about to bear fruit.
  • Transformation and Completion: Inguz represents the culmination of efforts and the transition into a new phase. It reflects a time when your hard work and perseverance are about to lead to positive results.
  • Inner Potential: Inguz emphasizes the importance of recognizing and nurturing your inner potential. It encourages self-discovery and personal growth, urging individuals to look within and unlock their capabilities.
  • Masculine Energy: The rune is often associated with masculine energy, symbolizing strength, structure, and the outward expression of growth.

Inguz rune association

Seed, Fertility, Sex, Sexual Energy, Attractiveness, Outcome, Completion, Result, Achievement.

Inguz in divination

Inguz rune is a powerful sign of potential, new beginnings, and transformation in divination. It encourages individuals to recognize their inner strength and embrace the changes that lead to personal and creative growth.

Inguz in casting spells

Inguz rune into your spells, you can channel its potent energies to promote growth, embrace new opportunities, and transform your aspirations into reality.

Inguz rune symbol

Inguz rune (ᛝ) is represented by a symbol with interlocking triangles. Inguz rune can also be drawn in a diamond shape (ᛜ).


  • Zodiac: Taurus
  • Planet: Venus
  • Element: Earth
  • Tarot Rider Waite:  The Empress (III)

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