Elder Futhark

(ᛚ) Laguz

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(ᛚ) Laguz rune is the (21st) twenty-first rune of the Elder Futhark, an ancient runic alphabet from Northern Europe. It is associated with water and the unconscious, symbolizing emotions, intuition, and the flow of life.

Laguz rune meaning

In terms of its meanings and interpretations, Laguz can represent the following:

  • Water and Emotions: Laguz represents water, which is often associated with emotions and the subconscious. It signifies fluidity, adaptability, and the deep currents of feelings that can influence one’s thoughts and actions.
  • Flow and Adaptability: Laguz embodies the flowing nature of water, representing the ability to adapt, change, and go with the flow of life. It encourages flexibility and resilience.
  • Intuition and Insight: This rune is linked to intuition, psychic abilities, and the deeper understanding that comes from connecting with one’s inner self. It encourages trusting your instincts and following your inner guidance.
  • Change and Transformation: Laguz symbolizes the transformative power of water. Just as water can change form (steam, ice, liquid), Laguz represents adaptability and the ability to navigate life’s changes.
  • The Journey: It can also signify journeys—both physical and spiritual—reminding us that the path of life is often fluid, and we must learn to go with the flow.
  • Dreams and Visions: This rune can symbolize the realm of dreams and visions, where intuition and subconscious messages are often received.
  • Healing: Laguz emphasizes the healing aspects of water, indicating that emotional healing and cleansing can occur through introspection and confronting one’s feelings.

Laguz rune association

Flow, Water, Luck, Intuition, Witch, Secret, Insights.

Laguz in divination

Laguz is a powerful rune in divination, deeply connected to emotions, intuition, and the fluid nature of life. It encourages individuals to acknowledge their feelings, trust their instincts, and embrace the transformative journey of healing and exploration.

Laguz in casting spells

Laguz rune in spellcasting can empower your intentions related to emotions, intuition, transformation, and adaptability.

Laguz rune symbol

Laguz rune (ᛚ) is visually represented as a symbol that resembles a flowing wave or a downward curve, representing water and the qualities associated with the element.


  • Zodiac: Pisces, Cancer
  • Planet: Moon, Neptune
  • Element: Water
  • Tarot Rider Waite:  The Moon (XVIII), The High Priestess (II)

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(ᛚ) Laguz

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