Elder Futhark

(ᛗ) Mannaz

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(ᛗ) Mannaz rune is the 20th twentieth rune of the Elder Futhark, an ancient runic alphabet from Northern Europe. It is rich in symbolism and significance related to humanity, self, and the interconnectedness of individuals within society.

Mannaz rune meaning

In terms of its meanings and interpretations, Mannaz can represent the following:

  • Individuality and Self-Awareness: Mannaz embodies the unique qualities of each person, their strengths, weaknesses, and potential. It encourages introspection and self-discovery.
  • Community and Relationships: This rune signifies the importance of connection, belonging, and building strong bonds with others. It encourages cooperation and collaboration.
  • Humanity and Self-Identity: Mannaz represents the self and individuality. It reflects the journey of self-discovery and understanding one’s identity and purpose within the larger context of humanity.
  • Social Connections: This rune emphasizes the importance of relationships and community. It symbolizes the bonds that connect individuals to one another and highlights the significance of cooperation.
  • Cooperation and Teamwork: Mannaz signifies the value of working together towards common goals. It encourages collaboration and harmony, suggesting that combined efforts can lead to success.
  • Introspection and Personal Growth: The rune encourages self-reflection and personal development, reminding individuals to examine their thoughts and actions and how they affect themselves and those around them.
  • Inner Wisdom and Intuition: This rune can also symbolize the power of our own inner voice, intuition, and wisdom gained through experience.
  • Balance: Mannaz embodies the concept of balance between individual needs and the needs of the community, emphasizing that while personal aspirations are important, they should also consider the collective good.

Mannaz rune associations

Smart, Savvy, Knowledge, Expert, Human, Manager, Leader, Collaboration, Cooperation, Teamwork.

Mannaz in divination

(ᛗ) Mannaz rune holds significant meanings centered around themes of humanity, self-awareness, and social connections.

Mannaz in casting spells

By incorporating the Mannaz rune into your spells, you can effectively channel its powerful energies to promote self-awareness, enhance relationships, and build stronger connections within your community.

Mannaz rune symbol

Mannaz rune (ᛗ) is represented by a symbol that resembles an “M” shape, indicating themes of humanity, self, and social connections.


  • Zodiac: Aquarius, Gemini
  • Planet: Mercury, Uranus
  • Element: Air
  • Tarot Rider Waite: The Magician (I), The Hermit (IX)

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