Elder Futhark

(ᛏ) Tiwaz

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(ᛏ) Tiwaz rune is the (17th) seventeenth rune in the Elder Futhark, an ancient runic alphabet from Northern Europe. This rune is also known under the name Tiw or Tyr and is associated with the god Tyr, a deity of warfare, justice, and law, and heroism in Norse culture.

Tiwaz rune meaning

In terms of its meanings and interpretations, Tiwaz can represent the following:

  • Male nature: This rune signifies male aspects built on a warrior archetype. It frequently signifies a male – warrior who will go to his target till the very end, regardless of the obstacles and price it takes.
  • Courage and Strength: Tiwaz signifies bravery and the ability to overcome challenges.
  • Victory: Tiwaz represents strength, ambition, and the pursuit of goals. It can symbolize overcoming obstacles and achieving success.
  • Justice and Law: Tiwaz is also connected to fairness, righteousness, and the upholding of the law. It can represent integrity and ethical conduct.
  • Leadership: This rune is associated with leadership qualities, such as decisiveness, courage, and responsibility. It can symbolize taking charge and inspiring others.
  • Honour: Tiwaz is linked to the qualities of a leader, encouraging responsibility, honor, integrity, and fairness in decision-making. It also represents the concept of living a life of purpose and meaning.
  • Significance of Tyr god: This rune can be considered as a signification of Tyr god.

Tiwaz rune associations

Warrior, war, courage, honor, leadership, army, military, battle.

Tiwaz in divination

In divination, the appearance of the Tiwaz rune can suggest the need to take a brave stance or make a difficult decision in pursuit of integrity and fairness. It encourages determination, discipline, and the willingness to act for achievements.

Tiwaz in casting spells

In casting or spellwork, the Tiwaz rune can be used to invoke its qualities of strength, courage, victory, and justice.

Tiwaz rune symbol

Tiwaz rune (ᛏ) is represented by a simple yet striking symbol that resembles an upward-pointing arrow or a spear. It consists of a vertical line with a diagonal line extending from the top right down toward the left, creating a triangular shape above the main vertical line. This design reflects its associations with spear, courage, honor, and victory in battle.


  • Zodiac: Aries, Libra
  • Planet: Mars
  • Element: Air
  • Tarot Rider Waite: Justice (XI), The Chariot (VII)

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