Elder Futhark

(ᛃ) Jera

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(ᛃ) Jera rune is the (12th) twelfth rune in the Elder Futhark, an ancient runic alphabet from Northern Europe. It is associated with the concepts of harvest, cycles, and the passage of time. The name “Jera” translates to “year” in Old Norse, emphasizing its connections to the natural cycles of growth and the annual rhythm of life, agriculture, and prosperity.

Jera rune meaning

In terms of its meanings and interpretations, Jera can represent the following:

  • Harvest and Reward: Jera represents the fruitful outcome of labor. It signifies the rewards that come after hard work and perseverance, especially in agricultural contexts. In other words, it signifies a time of reaping the rewards of your efforts, a time of abundance and prosperity. It represents the fulfillment of your goals and the enjoyment of the fruits of your labor.
  • Cycles and Seasons: This rune embodies the cyclical nature of existence — the cycle of planting, growing, harvesting, and resting. It encourages an understanding of the natural rhythms of life. It also represents the ongoing flow of energy and the cyclical nature of growth and renewal.
  • Patience and Timing: Jera emphasizes the importance of patience and the right timing for actions. It serves as a reminder that good things take time to develop and that one must be attuned to the cycles of life.
  • Transformation and Change: The energy of Jera acknowledges that change is constant and inherent in all processes. It can signify a period of transition leading to growth and renewal.
  • Success and Completion: This rune can also indicate successful completion of a project or goal, often accompanied by a sense of fulfillment.

Jera rune associations

Harvest, Results, Time, Scaling.

Jera in divination

When Jera appears in a rune casting, it may suggest that the querent is in a period of growth or that their efforts will soon yield positive results. It can encourage patience and the understanding that cycles are essential for success. Jera may also indicate that a phase in life is coming to an end, paving the way for a new cycle to begin.

Jera in casting spells

Drawing Jera in casting spells can be used to cultivate abundance, promote growth, and recognize the importance of timing in your endeavors.

Jera rune symbol

The symbol consists of two separated elements that are similar to two unfinished triangles that rotate around one axis at different heights “ᛃ”.


  • Zodiac: Virgo
  • Planet: Jupiter, Saturn
  • Element: Earth
  • Tarot Rider Waite:  The Wheel of Fortune (X), The Empress (III)

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(ᛃ) Jera

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