Elder Futhark

(ᚷ) Gebo

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(ᚷ) Gebo rune is the (7th) seventh rune in the Elder Futhark, an ancient runic alphabet from Northern Europe. This rune is associated with the concepts of gifts, partnerships, love, and balance. The name “Gebo” means “gift” or “generosity” in Old Norse, making it a significant rune in matters of giving and receiving.

Gebo rune meaning

In terms of its meanings and interpretations, Gebo can represent the following:

  • Gift and Generosity: Gebo symbolizes the act of giving and receiving. It is about the balance of generosity and the bonds that form through exchanges, whether material, emotional, or spiritual. It signifies the joy of sharing and the abundance that comes from mutual support.
  • Partnership and Relationships: This rune is often associated with partnerships, including friendships, romantic relationships, and business alliances. It symbolizes the coming together of two individuals, two forces, or two ideas. It signifies collaboration, teamwork, and the power of shared goals. Gebo also emphasizes the importance of equality and balance in all relationships.
  • Balance and Harmony: Gebo represents the equilibrium between giving and receiving. It encourages reciprocity and the idea that gifts should flow freely in both directions.
  • Creative Inspiration: The energy of Gebo can inspire creativity and motivation in collaborative efforts. It embodies the dynamic interaction that occurs when people come together to create or share.
  • Spiritual Connection: Gebo can also indicate a connection to higher powers or the universe, suggesting that spiritual gifts and insights may be available to you.
  • Sacrifice and commitment: The rune also represents the willingness to sacrifice for the sake of the partnership, and the commitment to working together towards a common goal.

Gebo rune associations

Union, Partnership, Friendship, Connection, Gift.

Gebo in divination

When Gebo appears in a rune casting, it may signify the importance of partnerships, the need to create balance in your relationships, or that a gift—material or otherwise—may be coming your way. It often serves as a reminder to consider the exchanges in your life and whether they are reciprocal.

Gebo in casting spells

Drawing Gebo can enhance relationships, attract abundance, and promote harmony among individuals.

Gebo rune symbol

Gebo rune consists of two diagonal lines crossing each other, forming an “X” shape.


  • Zodiac: Libra
  • Planet: Venus
  • Element: Air
  • Tarot Rider Waite: (VI) Lovers

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