Elder Futhark

(ᚲ) Kenaz

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(ᚲ) Kenaz rune is the (6th) sixth rune in the Elder Futhark, an ancient runic alphabet from Northern Europe. This rune is associated with illumination, knowledge, creativity, and transformation. Often interpreted as a “torch” or “light,” Kenaz embodies the concepts of understanding, insight, and the spark of inspiration.

Kenaz rune meaning

In terms of its meanings and interpretations, Kenaz can represent the following:

  • Guidance and Direction: Kenaz can be seen as a guiding light, helping individuals find their true path or direction in life. It encourages embracing new opportunities and possibilities. It can also represent light, knowledge, and the ability to see things clearly. It can signify a time of revelation or a breakthrough in understanding.
  • Illumination and Insight: Kenaz symbolizes enlightenment, clarity, and the revelation of truths. It suggests the importance of understanding and gaining knowledge.
  • Creativity and Inspiration: This rune is also linked to artistic expression and creativity. It represents the creative process, encouraging you to harness inspiration and bring forth your ideas.
  • Transformation: Kenaz signifies the transformative power of fire and light. It can indicate that a process of change is occurring, allowing for personal growth and development. The rune implements the transformative power of fire, the ability to burn away the old and make way for the new. It represents a period of growth and change, where we are challenged to evolve and become something more.
  • Passion and Motivation: Kenaz’s energy encourages the pursuit of passions and ambitions, igniting the inner flame that fuels motivation and drive.
  • Intimation and Sexuality: This rune is also known for its capability to reinforce the sexual side and add fire to relations.

Kenaz rune associations

Fire, Creativity, Sex, Sexual energy, New Horizons, Encouragement, Insights.

Kenaz in divination

When Kenaz appears, it may indicate that clarity and insight are available to you, suggesting that you enlighten yourself about a certain situation. It can signify the onset of new ideas, creative projects, or the need to embrace personal transformation. Kenaz may also encourage you to seek knowledge and wisdom, inspiring you to pursue your passions.

Kenaz in casting spells

Drawing Kenaz can be effectively used to enhance inspiration, seek enlightenment, and promote personal transformation.

Kenaz rune symbol

Kenaz rune is represented by the symbol “ᚲ” in the Elder Futhark runic alphabet. The appearance forms a shape that resembles a torch or flame.


  • Zodiac: Leo
  • Planet: Sun
  • Element: Fire
  • Tarot Rider Waite:  The Sun (XIX), Ace of Wands

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(ᚲ) Kenaz

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