Elder Futhark

(ᚠ) Fehu

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(ᚠ) Fehu rune, also known as Feu or Fehuð, is the (1st) first rune in the Elder Futhark, an ancient runic alphabet from Northern Europe. It is typically associated with wealth, prosperity, and abundance, often symbolizing cattle or livestock, which were historically considered a sign of wealth and resources.

Fehu rune meaning

In terms of its meanings and interpretations, Fehu can represent the following:

  • Wealth and Prosperity: It signifies material abundance and financial success. This could include physical items, money, or even things like relationships and knowledge.
  • New Beginnings: Fehu can indicate the start of new projects or ventures that may lead to success. It can also represent the potential for growth for new and existing projects.
  • Abundance and prosperity: It can signify a time of good fortune and success.
  • Resourcefulness: The rune encourages the use of one’s skills and resources to achieve goals and overcome challenges.
  • Fertility: It is often linked to fertility, not just in agricultural terms but also in terms of creativity and growth.
  • Significance of Freyr and Freyja gods: This rune can be considered as a signification of Freyr and Freyja gods as they have a depth connection to abundance, wealth, and prosperity.

Fehu rune associations

Wealth, Resources, Money, Income, Cash, Cashflow, Financial Success, Livestock, Stocks, Abundance, Prosperity, New Beginnings, Fertility.

Fehu in divination

When used in divination or rune casting, Fehu can indicate positive changes in one’s financial situation, the influx of resources, or the importance of managing and utilizing wealth responsibly. However, it can also remind one of the need for balance, as wealth should not lead to greed or excess.

Fehu in casting spells

Drawing Fehu can be an effective symbol to enhance your intentions relating to finances, material gain, and overall abundance.

Fehu rune symbol

Fehu rune is represented by a symbol that resembles an abstract representation of the letter “F.” In the Elder Futhark runic alphabet, it looks like this: ᚠ. The shape typically has two upward strokes that converge into a vertical line, creating a sharp and angular appearance. It often resembles the horns of a cow, which ties into its associations with wealth, cattle, and abundance.


  • Zodiac: Aries
  • Planet: Venus
  • Element: Earth
  • Tarot Rider Waite: The Ten of Pentacles, The Ace of Pentacles, The Nine of Pentacles

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